About Me
Hi there! My name is Sarah and I'm the proud mommy to two wonderful little girls, Emma and Abby. I'm also the loving wife of a hard working man named Jeremy and we celebrate our anniversary every year on Halloween! I'm interested in web design, computer graphics, digital scrap booking and of course, my family! :) Thanks for stopping by!

Even though I LOVE creating freebies, I do also accept donations in any amount! ~Thank you!

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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Favorite Fonts!

If you know ANYTHING about me, you know I'm a TOTAL font junkie... here are a few of my favorite places to find extremely amazing and unique fonts!

    Free Fonts at misstiina.com/fonts

    Sugar Frog Fonts

    Monday, February 04, 2008

    Designs By Sarah TERMS OF USE


    © 2008 Sarah Bryan
    Designs by Sarah


    Use these graphics for personal or commercial use- everyone wants to make a buck, right?

    Alter these graphics to fit your needs- recolor and/or resizing is just fine!

    Use these graphics to create freebies! Who doesn't love freebies?! Yay!


    Resell these graphics in their original form. Do something creative with these graphics!

    Change the file name and claim them as your own, because we both know, that you didn't create them!

    No credit is required when using these graphics. Please just enjoy them, and do what you love to do; create~!



    © 2008 Sarah Bryan
    Designs by Sarah

    These graphics have been made by Sarah Bryan at Designs by Sarah Bryan.

    The items are designed for your personal use and may not be used in any commercial way.

    You may not offer them in any other graphics collection, on a website, or individually, either for sale or free, create a competing product from them to sell or redistribute, and are not allowed to trade or share these graphics.

    You may not add to or distort, alter or re-colour any graphic and claim them as your own.

    You may not make any graphics into tubes or brushes and redistribute them in any way.

    Do not use these images for obscene or immoral works or for any other purpose that is prohibited by law.

    Feel free to alter these images to fit your scrapbooking needs, including resizing, recoloring and cropping as long as credit is given to the designer.

    You may use these items for your signature tagging needs & blog design needs, please just remember to credit the designer.

    If you use these graphics in a layout submitted to an online gallery, magazine or other publication you must give credit to Sarah Bryan @ Designs by Sarah Bryan.

    Special thanks to:
    Danielle Corbitt, Thaty Borges, Atomic Cupcake, Lise-Lotte Sunesen, Monica Larsen, Tandika Star, Theres K, SweetMade, Rose.li Padoveze, Stacy Carlson, Terry Maruca, Janine Oliveira, Tracy Drane & Bannerwoman Design's, Dani Mogstad, Redju, Clohie Watkins, Doreen Stolz, FafBr, Ina's Scrapart, Roberta D'Achille, Melissa Bennett for their actions, overlays, guidance, support & other Commercial Use products in the creation of these graphics in part or whole {not all shown}.

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